Don’t Sell Products or Services but Sell Buying Experiences:
Increase Customer Loyalty: Transform from a Salesperson to a Buying Consultant
Handling Different Types of People: Probing & Objection Handling:
Increase 25% of your bottom-line: Prospecting, Cross Selling & Repeat Sales:
In this era of interdependence & networking we help our participants find creative methods of prospects generation & customer acquisition. Statistics from the world-renowned agencies say that it costs 6 times more to acquire a new customer than the money you spend to retain a new customer. It doesn’t stop here the data also points that 5% increase in retaining existing customer base translates into 25% increase in profitability. The result of this is that the workshops focuses on retaining existing customer base by doing cross & top selling which are vital contributors to the bottom-line of any business.
“Bring them Back” - Reactivation:
Delight Customers: Negotiation & Closing Skills:
Finally, the success of any business enterprise depends upon its employee’s ability to negotiate in a street smart manner and close sales. Our Sales module helps its participants to negotiate a Win-Win deal with their customers and close more sales successfully to the satisfaction of the company & delight of the customer.
Get People Right” - X” Factor:
- Gain more prospects
- Persuade more people
- Sell Outcomes more than Benefits and Features
- Handle & Overcome Objections in an effective manner
- Deal with Tough People in a cool manner
- Work with more passion & Energy for a longer duration of time
- Win over Competition
- Close more Sales without compromising on Price
- Successfully do Cross & Top Selling
- Keep more customers happy
- Reactivate accounts when needed
“Want to know how to increase 25% of your bottom-line of your business”
“Turn your salespeople into Buying Consultants”
Scope of the Program
Attitudinal Development - “It’s the Winning Attitude that differentiates the successful salesperson from others”
- Pride and Passion to be a salesperson
- ICAN Attitude, Positive and Possibility Thinking
- Building a positive Self-Image
- Developing Confidence & Enthusiasm
- Integrity, Discipline & Follow Up in Selling
- Obsession to Win & Producing Peak Performance
Skills Development – Selling is a psychological warfare and to win one must know, ‘When to do, What?
- Communication, Tele Sales, Listening & Presentation Skills
- Probing Skills
- Overcoming Rejections
- Width & Depth in Distribution
- Visibility, Credibility and Profitability in Selling
- Persuasion and converting No’s into Yes’s
- Identifying the Objection and Convincing the Prospect
- Empathy, Mapping People & Developing Winning Relationships thru’ Empathy
- Negotiation Skills & Closing Techniques
- Planning & Prioritization
- O3 Process
Knowledge Development – The key is ‘To Know: What to Know’
- Product, Competition, Pricing and Territory Knowledge
- Sales Burgers – Key to Selling Benefits rather than features
- Identifying Different Motives in Buyers
- Known Secrets in Selling, Credit Management & Decoding Buyer’s Syndromes and Excuses